


XXVII International Congress on Glass

January 20-24, 2025 at Kolkata, India


Researchers are requested to submit an abstract for Oral / Poster presentations in the field of glass, glass-ceramics. Abstracts (within 300 words) shall be submitted online at www.icg2025.co.in on or before 30th September 2024. The acceptance of the abstracts for presentation will be communicated to the corresponding author by 5th October 2024. For details of Registration, submission of abstract, other information about the ICG 2025 conference and the participation in ICG 2025 Tutorial, please visit www.icg2025.co.in. Abstracts are expected from the researchers under the following topics, as detailed below under the Thematic Areas of ICG 2025.

Symposia of the ICG 2025

With the theme of “Glass: A Smart and Indispensable Material for Sustainable Society”, this 27th ICG congress has been planned to cover the following areas through its various technical sessions:

S-1: Glass Science: Physics and Chemistry

This thematic area includes the topics such as Glass Structures, , Structure & Vibrations, Crystallization, Durability & Analysis and Thermal Properties of Glasses, etc.

S-2: Glasses for Optics and Photonics

Includes the topics such as Optical Properties, glasses for Optoelectronic, glass based Optical Fibres, Rare-earth doped glasses, Optical Glass, Glass based Integrated Optics and Glass Sensors, etc.

S-3: Sustainable Glass Manufacturing and Processing

This thematic area covers topics such as Glass fibres for reinforcement and insulation, Materials for Furnaces, Gases in Glass, Glass Melting, Modelling of industrial glass Melting, Glass Furnace Operation and Design, Refractories for glass melting furnaces, Instrumentation and control, Automation, modern manufacturing practices towards zero carbon footprint etc.

S-4: Modelling and dynamic Simulation of Glass

This thematic area of Modelling and simulation of Glass includes topics, such as modelling and atomistic level simulation, molecular dynamic simulation, Machine learning etc.

S-5: Glass Surface Science and Coating

This thematic area of Glass surface and coatings includes topics such as Surface Properties of glasses, Coatings on Glass, Architectural glass, Sol Gel Glasses and Glass-Organic Adhesion, etc.

S-6: Glasses for Energy and Environment

This thematic area of Glasses for energy and environment includes topics such as Glass and glass-ceramics in energy storage devices. glass and glass-ceramics for solid electrolytes, & electrodes. theoretical aspects of electrical – ionic and electronic – transport in glass and glass-ceramics, Glasses for H2 Storage, Energy Efficiency of glasses, Glasses as safety building material, structural glasses, Environment-friendly glass, glasses for building safety, glasses Nuclear Waste Vitrification / Nuclear Waste Immobilization, Radiation Shielding Glass, etc.

S-7: Health Care

This thematic area of Glasses for health-care includes topics such as Bioactive glasses, biocompatible glasses and composites for soft tissue engineering, bone grafts, bio-implants etc.

S-8: Glasses for Transport and packaging

This thematic area of Glasses for transport and packaging includes topics such as Glasses for Pharma Packaging, packaging for food and beverages, and glasses for automobiles and locomotives, glass fiber composites for energy efficient transportation, laminated glasses, glass and glass ceramics for bullet resistance etc

S-9: Glass and Glass-ceramics for Emerging Applications

This thematic area includes the topics such as Nonconventional Oxide glasses, Hybrid Glasses, Metal-organic Framework Glasses, Mechanical & Nanomechanical Properties of glasses, Nanostructures, Quantum Dots and Nano crystals in Glass, Ion conducting Glass, High strength glass, Ultra-thin / Flexible Glass, Multi-functional Glass & Glass ceramics, etc.

S-10: Additive manufacturing and novel manufacturing processes of Glass

This thematic area includes topics such as novel, advanced and energy efficient preparation and fabrication techniques of glasses and glass-ceramics. New techniques, advanced alternate glass manufacturing techniques, 3D printing and laser processing including femtosecond (fs) laser processing, levitation, etc.

S-11: Archeometry of Glass & Glass Education

This thematic area of Archenemy of Glass & glass Education includes topics such as Ancient glasses, their preservation, making techniques/technologies, colorants used, their origin, and relating scientific characteristics to their social value. This also takes account of archaeological case studies based on locations and different periods and glass art. structural glass Glass Education covers the activities of education and training within the glass community. Education or training kits on glass for the students etc.

S-12: Recycling of Glass

This thematic area of Recycling of Glass includes topics such as recovery and recycling of waste glasses from electronic waste, end-of-life PV modules, architectural glasses, bottles and others. Impact of glass recycling on raw materials, energy and overall on environment. Effect on circular economy and zero carbon footprint.